Therapy vs. Coaching: Which is Best for You?

What is the difference between coaching and therapy? Coaching is discovering. It’s moving from baseline to flourishing. Therapy is uncovering and recovering. Therapy is moving from suffering to baseline. Discover what kind of support is best for you.

Do you urinate just in case? Stop JICing

Do you go to the bathroom before leaving “just in case”? Learn why this habit may lead to pelvic floor dysfunction and increase your risk of leaking urine. The bladder is made to stretch like a balloon. Repeatedly emptying before the bladder is full may cause you to lose the stretch factor and then you may never completely empty. Issues such as urinary urgency, frequency, and other bladder and pelvic floor problems may follow.

Sex Drive: am I normal?

Sex drive in women is complicated. There is no defined “normal” amount of sex drive for a woman. Knowing what is right for you and your relationship personally will help you lead a healthy and fulfilling sex life. There are many things that can lower desire. Read here for more information about contributing factors.

Urinary Incontinence in Female Runners

Many runners, and other athletes, experience urine leakage while running. Running and repetitive pounding is a major risk factor in urinary incontinence. We are never going to tell you to stop running, but pelvic floor health is so important to reduce leakage and prevent prolapse. Read to learn more about what all you can do to prevent, or help improve any urinary incontinence and continue running.

Staying Healthy at Midlife

For women, many hormonal changes occur at midlife thanks to the ovaries. This reproductive organ slows the production of estrogen, testosterone and related metabolites like DHEAS. When a woman hasn’t had a period in 12 months, she is considered menopausal, which means her ovaries aren’t producing estrogen. However, fat cells continue to produce some estrogen. Whereas the body is quite resilient throughout our twenties and even thirties, it’s much less so come forty and especially

Healthy hormone balance for a healthy life.

Hormone replacement is designed to treat symptoms of menopause, and can greatly benefit women struggling. It aims to balance progesterone and estrogen levels as these along with testosterone decrease dramatically after menopause. Hormones can treat hot flushes, improve sex drive, decrease vaginal dryness and painful sex, keep bones strong, and decrease risk of heart disease.