Frequently Asked Questions


Do you Accept Insurance?

We do not accept insurance. By not billing insurance, we have more time for taking care of you and your needs rather than focussing our resources on collecting from insurance. You are welcome to submit your visit for reimbursement to your commercial insurance company. There is an app called Reimbursify that is designed to help patients submit to their insurance companies. You can also use your Health Savings Account(HSA) or Flexible Spending Account(FSA) to pay for the visit.

Any lab tests we order, like bloodwork, pap smears or mammogram, are still covered by insurance.

You can not submit your visit to medicaid or medicare- they don’t allow you to request reimbursement.

Is the video chat platform secure?

The video chat is done through a HIPAA compliant, secure platform called It protects data privacy in that all audio/video communication is securely encrypted and transmitted from point-to-point such that even does not have access to any identifiable health information that may be communicated.

What is your cancelation policy?

Cancellations must be made 24 hours in advance. If not cancelled within this time frame, your credit card will be charged $50.

Why see a specialist?

Most training programs have limited focus on sexual health and menopause. Dr. Lynn has completed many years of extra training in order to provide you the best possible care. She is a nationally certified menopause provider, NCMP, and an International Fellow of the International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health as well as a Certified Sexual Counselor. Seeing a physician with these certifications ensures you that you are being taken care of by someone who will understand your personal issues and knows how best to treat them.

Why pay out of pocket?

Have you ever felt rushed in and out of a doctor’s appointment? Have you ever felt like you couldn’t reach your doctor but could only reach their staff? This doesn’t happen with concierge care. All of our providers will spend all the time you need with you. You will be able to reach us directly anytime. No more phone tag with triage nurses who don’t know you or understand your medical concerns. No call centers. All of us are there for you. Get the care you deserve. You are worth it.

What does Evora mean?

The name Evora is a very special name for Dr. Lynn. Evora is named after her grandmother, with whom she was very close. It also happens to be a town in Portugal but we didn’t know that when we named the practice!

What is Telehealth?

Telehealth means that our specialists and practitioners can see you via a secure video chat. Dr. Lynn is licensed to practice medicine in Missouri, Tennessee and Illinois. Her office is located in Missouri. However, if you live in any of these 3 states, she can see you as a patient via a video chat and save you the drive to the office in St. Louis. Amanda Ratz, our mental health therapist and life coach is also licensed in Missouri.

What is E-Health?

If you live in a location where Dr. Lynn is not licensed to practice medicine, you can still learn from Dr. Lynn! Dr. Lynn is available via a video platform that can be done via any of your devices including cell phone, tablet or computer to discuss any sexual issues related to female sexual health, menopause, metabolism or weight loss. She won’t be your doctor but she can provide general education regarding sexual health, menopause or gynecology, like a mini-webinar or community event.

What if I am in Missouri, Tennessee or Illinois?

Dr. Lynn is licensed to practice medicine in Missouri, Tennessee and Illinois. In person visits are available in Missouri. Telehealth visits are available in Tennessee and Illinois.

What is sexual health?

Sexual Health encompasses issues such as libido, painful sex, orgasm and arousal difficulties. Anything that may affect your sex life is included in your sexual health.

What if i have questions after my visit has ended?

You can text, call or email Dr. Lynn if you have questions after your visit. You will have her cell phone number.

Can I meet dr. Lynn before my visit?

Absolutely. You can meet her in her office or visit via Telehealth, (on a phone, laptop or iPad from anywhere) for a completely free 15 minutes. These visits are designed to answer your questions regarding how the practice works. She won’t be able offer personal medical advice during these visits, but get to know Dr. Lynn and you will see how much her help can change your life.

Can I bring my partner?

Of course you can bring your partner. Dr. Lynn provides sexual counseling for couples as well. Sometimes working through sexual problems requires a team effort. Partners are always welcome.

What if I can’t afford it?

Dr. Lynn offers a Giving Back to the Community Day on the second Tuesday of every month for those who are unable to pay our rates. This means pay whatever you can afford. You can also use PayPal to pay over time with no interest! Call for more information.