Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor Muscles


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Body aging, childbirth and menopause lead to weak pelvic floor musculature.

EMSELLA helps you.

  • 28 minutes, twice a week for 3 weeks

  • Completely non-invasive option

  • Thousands of pelvic floor muscle contractions in a single session

  • Stay fully clothed

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What are the pelvic floor muscles?

Pelvic floor muscles are a group of muscles in your pelvis that keep you from leaking urine and prevent organs from falling out (like your bladder or uterus).

Your pelvic floor may be weak.

If you leak urine with cough or sneeze, have problems with constipation/diarrhea or painful sex, your pelvic floor may be to blame.

Improve your sex life

Women with a strong pelvic floor report more sexual satisfaction. Strong pelvic floor muscles can lead to better orgasms. Bring happiness back to your bedroom with EMSELLA!

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“Let me tell you something personal. I suffer from incontinence. My solution was 28 minutes, twice a week for 3 weeks with Emsella. Emsella treatments reduced my leakage and frequency of urination. No longer am I walking the hallway to the bathroom every 20 minutes at work or leaving a boardroom meeting due to a sudden urge to urinate. I sleep for longer periods of time and am not awoken by a sudden urge to pee. I am looking forward to going on vacation next summer and not having to worry about being at the beach without a bathroom! “

Written by CG, October 2020

Who is the right candidate for EMSELLA?

EMSELLA is a great option for women of any age who desire a solution for urinary incontinence or who want to strengthen their pelvic floor and improve their quality of life.

How long is the treatment? How many sessions do I need:

A typical treatment takes abut 30 minutes and you will need about 6 sessions, scheduled twice a week. There is no downtime after the procedure. It's easy to come in during your lunch break!

What does the procedure feel like? Is it painful?

EMSELLA is not painful. You will experience tingling and pelvic floor muscle contractions during the procedure. You may resume daily activities immediately after the treatment.

How fast will I see results?

You may observe improvement after a single session. The results will typically continue to improve over the next few weeks

Is EMSELLA covered by insurance?

EMSELLA is not generally covered by insurance.

How much does EMSELLA cost?

The procedure consists of 6 treatments, The total cost for 6 treatments is $2400 ($400 per treatment).