Strength Training Made Simple

Personal training


Strength training is a great way to boost your metabolism and help you achieve your healthy weight goals. Strength training builds muscle mass and because muscle burns more calories at rest than fat, it helps increase your resting metabolic rate (how many calories your body burns at rest). The higher your resting metabolic rate is, the more you can eat during the day without gaining weight, and who wouldn’t want that?!

Personal Training


  1. A personalized exercise plan to improve energy, mental wellbeing, and healthy weight goals.

  2. Assessment of movement and posture.

  3. Review of health history.

  4. A take home plan to continue to train on your own.

Personal Training

Health benefits of exercise

Aerobic exercise helps burn calories and raises your metabolism even after you have stopped exercising. Exercise also helps improve moods and depression, decrease the risk of dementia, reduces your risk of breast cancer or breast cancer recurrence, decreases the risk of diabetes, and prevents cardiovascular disease like heart attack and/or stroke. Did you know that cardiovascular disease is the number one killer of women?


Meet our Personal Trainer

Kasey Wade

Kasey Wade

Coach Kasey is a funny and outgoing personal trainer who can make every workout enjoyable. Kasey makes strength training easy and convenient for you. You can choose to train at Evora or he can meet you at your office or home. Whether you need a place to workout, learn how to better use your home gym, or don’t have time to leave your office, Kasey is there for you. His workout sessions and classes are perfect for beginners, or experienced strength trainers looking to change things up.

In the past, Kasey taught classes at OrangeTheory Fitness and was a head coach at multiple OrangeTheory locations.

When Kasey is not training clients, he is practicing Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, reading, or spending time with his girlfriend and two dogs.