Imagine Concierge Care from Your Gynecologist

Imagine Concierge Care from Your Gynecologist

How to stop the long waits in the doctors office

Have you ever waited hours in the doctor’s office to see your doctor for all of 5 minutes? Has it taken a month to get your test results back? Or no one would call you back for days and when someone did, it wasn’t the doctor. All of these things will drive a patient crazy. Concierge care came out of frustration with the current system, where doctors carry a load of about 4000 patients and on average spend about 7 minutes with you. After a hello and how is the family, that is really only 5 minutes of medical care!

As a physician, this system really weighed on me. I realized that I didn’t really know my patients like I used to. I didn’t have time to call people back when they needed information and I didn’t have time to follow up on the tests I had run in a timely manner. Not good for patients! It wasn’t so great for doctors either. After a day of seeing as many patients as my hospital system could put on my schedule, I would go home and do charting all night.

I care deeply about my patients

I care deeply about my patients. So I am making the jump into concierge medicine. This means I limit the number of patients in my practice and charge a fee, either a membership fee or a fee for service. I don’t accept insurance. I can then spend time with my patients, taking care of all their needs in one visit. I can spend up to an hour or more with a patient. Unheard of! I can really get to know people, so I can take care of the whole person. I am so excited to go back to the patient physician relationship like it should be!

Can I afford Concierge Care?

If you think not everyone can afford concierge care, well, think again. I offer an affordable, monthly plan. Also, health savings accounts and flexible spending accounts can be used to pay for care. Or you can submit your visit to your insurance company for reimbursement unless you have medicaid or medicare.

Giving Back to the Community

On the second Tuesday of every month, I provide concierge care to anyone and everyone who needs me, free of charge. Or they can contribute whatever they can afford, because everyone deserves quality care. And 7 minutes with your doctor is, plain and simple, not quality.

Dr. Becky Lynn is a gynecologist, menopause and sexual health specialist in St. Louis, MO.  She is licensed to practice medicine in Missouri, Tennessee and Illinois.  She she sees patients in her St. Louis office and offers telehealth consults to Illinois and Tennessee.  Call today to schedule your appointment.  (314) 934-0551 or click here to schedule.

 Check out my website today for more information.

 Or call 314 934 0551 to make your appointment today!

Listen to my radio show

I talked about the benefits of concierge care with Michael Kelley and John Hancock on KMOX on December 27th. You can listen to it here:

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