All in Menopause

Where did my 20 something sex drive go?

In my gynecology and sexual medicine practice, I see women every day who tell me they have lost their sex drive.  Some women are desperately missing it.  They say they “want to want” again.  Others tell me they would be completely happy if they never had to have sex again in their entire life. Some have '“duty sex” just to please their partner. How can women improve and regain their sex drive? Yes, there are ways to improve your sex drive. Read about it here.

How To Manage Menopausal Weight Gain

Are you struggling with weight gain due to menopause? You’re not alone. Many women’s metabolisms slow down once they hit mid age. Despite this fact, there are still habits you can get into that will help you lose weight and live a healthy lifestyle. Midlife can be sexy!